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Australia Schedules Face Scans in Game Banks

Around the world, more or less meticulous attempts are made to regulate gambling. A central point here is the review of age. Self-exclusion in the risk of gambling is also a topic that land-based gaming banks as well as online platforms deal with.

Australia is now thinking about a new path: A face check should be carried out in the online casino before users log in on a page.

face scans

Protection of Minors

Gambling is only permitted after the age of majority. But it seems easy to avoid this rule, especially online. Therefore, face checks should now be used online in Australia. The software should then recognize the faces and decide whether they are minor players. Badges and driver's licenses are also important here to verify identity.

The authorities also plan to Software not just for online gaming banks. Other websites should also be denied minors in this way. For example, pages with pornographic content fall just under this desired youth protection, which is difficult to ensure, similar to online gaming banks. It’s still easy to avoid age checks. Sometimes just a mouse click is enough to confirm that you are over 18 years old.

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€100 + 50 FS
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€500 + 50 FS

Better control for gambling risk

Not only minors should be Gambling be preserved, game addicts should also benefit from the software: For example, who has been locked, their face should be saved. If you then try to log in or register again, the software will deny access to the online gambling portal.

This point is also to be welcomed, because cross-casino software would be conceivable here. So it would be much harder to get into a new Online casino after you have already locked yourself with another one.

Is data protection guaranteed?

Although the idea sounds like a good thing at first glance, critics ask themselves: What about data protection? If third-party software is used, third-party companies receive sensitive player data. It is rightly noted here that the system is not yet sophisticated enough.

Such software takes player surveillance to a whole new level, which in turn applies to the entire Australian population.

All in all, Australia seems to be heading well here at first. Particularly online, it is important to regulate easy access to gambling. Face checks and identity verification seem to be appropriate, but the topic of data protection is also not to be dismissed by hand.

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Letztlich bleibt auf ein ausgereiftes System zu hoffen, das sensible Daten vertraulich behandelt und lediglich die Informationen speichert, die für den Spielerschutz notwendig sind.


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