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Country Overview

On the Black Sea and bordered by Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Armenia, Georgia is a key U.S. ally in the South Caucasus region and an important transit corridor for energy resources from the Caspian Sea to Europe and beyond. USAID partners with Georgia’s government and people to strengthen the country’s security, prosperity, and democratic institutions, and help advance its Euro-Atlantic integration.

USAID began operating in Georgia in 1992. Over the past three decades, the American people have provided approximately $6 billion in assistance (of which $1.9 billion is from USAID) to Georgia to strengthen the country’s security, prosperity, and democratic institutions. Currently, USAID invests in approximately 40 development programs with a total value of approximately $373 million and an annual budget of more than $70 million. Current USAID programs focus on: facilitating economic reforms, private sector investment, and job creation strengthening democratic institutions to better respond to citizen needs; helping Georgians – including members of underrepresented groups such as ethnic minority communities, women, youth, and persons with disabilities – participate in democratic processes and civic life; diversifying energy sources to promote green energy and greater energy security building resilience against disinformation and improving education and professional skills to prepare Georgians to better meet the demands of a modern economy. These programs are especially important as Georgia continues to integrate with Euro-Atlantic institutions.

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