Interactive School Ventilation Tool

Interactive School Ventilation Tool
Updated May 27, 2022

This tool is designed for building managers or school administrators who are familiar with the school’s current ventilation systems.

Small particles that people breathe out can contain virus particles, including the viruses that causes COVID-19 and influenza (flu). Good ventilation, along with other preventive actions, can help prevent virus transmission in schools.

Ventilation Icon
A window exhaust fan can reduce virus particles in a classroom by up to 95%.

We need your feedback! Help us improve this tool by taking a quick survey after using the tool below.

How can I decrease the level of particles during the school day?

Select the options below to see how particle levels change as you adjust ventilation settings.

The risk of getting COVID-19 varies according to individual susceptibility and the number of virus particles to which a person is exposed. The fewer virus particles in the air, the better.

This tool does not contain all scenarios. However, you can layer strategies for even better ventilation results.

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Visit the Interactive Home Ventilation Tool to learn how to improve ventilation in your home.

background image background image background image background image background image background image background image background image background image background image background image Illustration of a classroom with virus particles in the air. The amount of particles will change based on options selected. Illustration of a classroom with virus particles in the air. The amount of particles will change based on options selected. Illustration of a classroom with virus particles in the air. The amount of particles will change based on options selected. Illustration of a classroom with virus particles in the air. The amount of particles will change based on options selected. Illustration of a classroom with virus particles in the air. The amount of particles will change based on options selected. Illustration of a classroom with virus particles in the air. The amount of particles will change based on options selected. Illustration of a classroom with virus particles in the air. The amount of particles will change based on options selected. Illustration of a classroom with virus particles in the air. The amount of particles will change based on options selected. Illustration of a classroom with virus particles in the air. The amount of particles will change based on options selected. Illustration of a classroom with virus particles in the air. The amount of particles will change based on options selected. Illustration of a classroom with virus particles in the air. The amount of particles will change based on options selected. background image background image background image background image background image background image background image background image