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Exam settings after the Test

Control what users' see after taking a test


Show certificate

ClassMarker makes it easy for you to analyze results with features like automatic exam grading and exam statistics by question or user.

Improve learning, discover areas that require further support, and instill confidence in your exam takers.


Analyze results at-a-glance with ClassMarker's powerful results features:

  • Scores are displayed in points and percentages.
  • Customized feedback.
  • View automatically graded questions with correct/incorrect answers.
  • View results by category.
  • Enable test users to download certificates when applicable.

Show certificate

Instill confidence and pride in your test takers by creating a downloadable PDF online exam certificate for each test.

Create industry certification for IT, medical, health & safety, etc., with ClassMarker's versatile certificate templates - choose from:

  • A4 certificates
  • Letterhead certificates
  • Wallet size certificates

Create unlimited certificates and choose whether to award on exam completion or only if the test user passes the test.

Automatically pull in answers from optional pre-set extra intro questions to create certificates with unique serial numbers, course ID, employee ID, work department, name, score, etc.

View our step-by-step tutorials to discover more about ClassMarker's flexible features.

Get started

with a free account and create your first certificate today!


How do I view my test takers' results?

You can view and analyze the results directly from the specific test page or in your Recent Results section.

View your results by group, test, link, category or user. ClassMarker also allows you to export results as CSV files so you can analyze results in Excel, Google Sheets, or other spreadsheet programs.

How do I create a certificate?

You can easily create PDF certificates for any of your tests. Choose to display the test user's name, score, test name, etc., is dynamically added to each certificate issued. You can also have custom information dynamically added to your certificates, such as employee ID, serial number, etc., depending on any optional extra intro questions you choose.

Finally, you can choose between issuing certificates to all test users who complete your tests or only to those who achieve a pre-set score.

What guarantee does ClassMarker provide?

We know you'll fall in love with ClassMarker because of the time and energy you save in creating tests and grading - you'll never again worry about how to give online exams.

However, if you decide ClassMarker is not for you, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. See our End of
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Terms and Conditions for more information.

Do you offer a trial so I can test your features?

Absolutely! Go here to create your account now and get 30 days to make an unlimited number of tests.

Registration is easy and takes less than a minute. Plus, no credit card details are necessary!

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