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google analytics ecommerce Dashboard

Create useful Google Analytics eCommerce dashboards. Optimize your online sales.

Google Analytics eCommerce

Analyze your online store performance. See what traffic sources are bringing the most revenue. Discover insights about your target audience and their purchase behavior.

Data Sources:

Cyfe Dash - google analytics eCommerce

Why would you want to use the Google Analytics eCommerce dashboard?

Tired of depending on Google Analytics to get a brief clear view of your customer purchase behavior? Use the eCommerce analytics dashboard to visualize the key revenue, order size, and other product metrics that impact your bottom line. Easily share all of your eCommerce KPIs with the executive team or clients. Make informed decisions on product performance by understanding these traffic sources are driving the most purchases.

With the Google Analytics eCommerce dashboard, you can make your product purchase performance more accessible to your team and support cross department digital marketing collaboration.

Top benefits of the Google Analytics eCommerce dashboard

Key Metrics:

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