Privacy Policy

Please Review our Privacy Policy for Your Protection

Thank you for visiting Please review the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) privacy policy that applies to all users of

Using’s Mobile Applications

When you use’s Mobile Application (App), certain information will be gathered and stored about your usage of the App. To use the App, you will be required to provide your username and password to login. We collect and store information as follows:

  • receives aggregate data about the use of our Apps, such as the number of times the applications have been opened or the interactions or actions completed in the application. We receive aggregate data from the platforms that distribute our Apps (currently the iTunes Store and the Google Play Store), such as the number of people who download the App and mobile set-up information (e.g., device model, App version, country, language, and mobile carrier). Please consult the privacy policies of these third parties for further information.

  • You may set up to receive “push notification” messages and a notification provider service will push the notifications to your mobile device. To make sure messages reach the correct devices, our third party provider relies on a device token unique to your mobile device. A device token is a unique identifier issued to the app by the operating system of the mobile device. End of
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    While we may be able to access a list of the tokens, the App and tokens do not reveal your identity, unique device ID, or contact information to us. The third party provider may collect the following: the time of an event, how a user came to our site, what search engine and search keywords users may have used to get to our site, information about the device our user is on such as their operating system, and browser, as well as the city, region and country location of users. If, at any time, you wish to stop receiving push notifications, simply adjust your phone settings.