Create Template


This service creates one or more templates. For each template specified without validation errors, this service creates a template at the specified Agency or at the certificate Agency if not specified.

Input Parameters

This service requires the following request parameter(s):

Input Parameter Description Required/Optional Business Rules Web Service Schema
CreateTemplate The information required to create the template Required (May have multiple occurrences) GrantsTemplate_1_0: CreateTemplate

Return Values

This service returns a collection of objects containing the following details:

Return Value Comment / Example Required/Optional Web Service Schema
CompletionStatus (Overall) Required GrantsCommonElements: CompletionStatus
ErrorDetails (Overall) Optional GrantsCommonElements: ErrorDetails
Success True, False Required (May have multiple occurrences)
TemplateID Optional (May have multiple occurrences) GrantsTemplate_1_0: TemplateID
TemplateName Optional (May have multiple occurrences) GrantsTemplate_1_0: TemplateName


Optional (May have multiple occurrences) GrantsCommonElements: AgencyCode
ErrorDetails Optional (May have multiple occurrences) GrantsCommonElements: ErrorDetails