Submit Application as Third Party Expanded

This service allows an applicant client to submit a single-project or multi-project submission on behalf of another applicant. Certificates should have a special role called Third Party Submitter role that will be designated by PMO. This service must be used in conjunction with Authenticate AOR Expanded. The token received from Authenticate AOR Expanded is sent as one of the request parameters for this service. For more information on Third Party Submissions please contact the PMO. This web service is used for NIH ASSIST only and supports submissions with UEI and DUNS forms.

Informative status

NOTE: NIH ASSIST must switch to the combination of Authenticate AOR Expanded and Submit Application As Third Party Expanded prior to SAM’s cutover from DUNS to UEI.

Input Parameters

This service requires the following request parameter(s):

Input Parameter Description Required/Optional Business Rules Web Service Schema
TokenInfo Token returned from AuthenticateAORExpanded web service method. Required GrantsCommonElements: TokenInfo
GrantsGovTrackingNumber The previous tracking number to relate a submission Optional GrantsCommonElements: GrantsGovTrackingNumber
GrantApplicationXML The XML that needs to be prepared for submission to Required
Attachment Submission attachments Optional (Multiple Occurrences Allowed) GrantsCommonElements: Attachment

Return Values

This service returns the following:

Return Value Comment / Example Required/Optional Web Service Schema
GrantsGovTrackingNumber GG Tracking Number: GRANT10580201 Required GrantsCommonElements: GrantsGovTrackingNumber
ReceivedDateTime 2012-06-20T14:07:47.000-04:00 Required XMLSchema dateTime object