Create Adobe Opportunity

This service creates one or more opportunities from specified XMLs. This web service can also be used for new opportunities even if the opportunity already has package(s).

Warning status

NOTE: The Input Parameters used by this web service no longer restricts the Funding Activity Categories to a predefined list in the schema. The Funding Activity Category values will continue to be validated and an error message provided – but the values will no longer be validated using the schema. This provides flexibility to add/disable Funding Activity Category values in the future, as needed.

Input Parameters

This service requires the following request parameter(s):

Input Parameter Description Required / Optional Business Rules Web Service Schema
This is the V2.0 XML that is sent to to create the opportunity with synopsis, or if opportunity already exists with only package(s) it will create the synopsis. Required (Multiple Occurrences Allowed)

• Synopsis cannot be created if Opportunity has a draft Forecast (future Forecast Post Date

• Forecast Archive Date is set to day before Synopsis Post Date

• Agency Code is used to uniquely identify an Opportunity

• For a specified User ID with only one profile, the optional Agency Code is not needed

• For a specified User ID with multiple profiles, the Agency Code must be specified to determine unique Agency Code

• If Agency Code is specified, the User ID is ignored and the certificate used must have the Manage Agencies role to Manage Opportunities for a sub-agency


Return Values

This service returns a collection of objects containing the following details:

Return Value Comment / Example Required / Optional Web Service Schema
Success True Required
Includes a funding opportunity number for each submitted opportunity. Error Details is only returned if there is an error. Required (May have multiple occurrences) GrantsCommonElements