Get Forecast And Synopsis Details


This service retrieves Opportunity Forecast and Synopsis data for a specific Opportunity.

Informative status

NOTE: The Return Values used by this web service no longer restricts the Funding Activity Categories to a predefined list in the schema. This provides flexibility to add/disable Funding Activity Category values in the future, as needed. The Funding Activity Category(ies) assigned by the Grantor to the opportunity will be returned even if currently disabled.

Input Parameters

This service requires the following request parameter(s):

Input Parameter Description Required/Optional Business Rules Web Service Schema
OpportunityID Opportunity ID Required • Certificate must have at least one of the following roles:
·Manage Forecasts
·Manage Synopses
• Opportunity ID must belong to Agency associated with the certificate or any of its Sub-Agencies
GrantsCommonElements: OpportunityID

Return Values

This service returns a collection of objects containing the following details:

Return Value Comment / Example Required/Optional Web Service Schema
Success True, False Required
OpportunityDetails Forecast Details or Synopsis Details Optional GrantsOpportunity_V1.0: OpportunityDetails
ErrorDetails Optional (May have multiple occurrences) GrantsCommonElements: ErrorDetails