Get Submission List


This service retrieves a list of submissions for the requesting agency.

Informative status

NOTE: This web service was replaced by the Get Submission List Expanded web service.

Input Parameters

This service requires the following request parameter(s):

Input Parameter Description Required / Optional Business Rules Web Service Schema
ExpandedApplicationFilter Filter can either be Status, Funding Opportunity Number, CFDA Number, Submission Title, Tracking Number, Opportunity ID, Agency Code, Competition ID, Package ID, and/or Submission Method. Multiple filters can be specified. Optional (Multiple occurrences allowed) GrantsCommonElements: ExpandedApplicationFilter

Return Values

This service returns a collection of objects containing the following details:

Return Value Comment / Example Required / Optional Web Service Schema
Success Required
ErrorDetails Optional GrantsCommonElements: ErrorDetails
AvailableApplicationNumber 91 Required
SubmissionInfo Optional (May have multiple occurrences)
FundingOpportunityNumber 05292012-KJ-FIF Optional GrantsCommonElements: FundingOpportunityNumber
CompetitionID 06202012-KJ-RR-LATEST Optional GrantsCommonElements: CompetitionID
CFDANumber 00.000 Optional GrantsCommonElements: CFDANumber
GrantsGovTrackingNumber GRANT1234567 Optional GrantsCommonElements: GrantsGovTrackingNumber
PreviousGrantsGovTrackingNumber GRANT1234566 Optional GrantsCommonElements: PreviousGrantsGovTrackingNumber
ReceivedDateTime 2012-06-20T14:07:47.000-04:00 Optional XMLSchema dateTime object
GrantsGovApplicationStatus Received Optional GrantsCommonElements: GrantsGovApplicationStatus
SubmissionMethod Workspace Optional GrantsCommonElements: SubmissionMethod
SubmissionTitle Optional GrantsCommonElements: SubmissionTitle
PackageID PKG12345678 Optional GrantsCommonElements: PackageID
DelinquentFederalDebt No Optional GrantsCommonElements: DelinquentFederalDebt
ActiveExclusions No Optional GrantsCommonElements: ActiveExclusions