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Healthy Moments Logo and Dr. Griffin Rodgers
The Healthy Moments logo and Dr. Griffin Rodgers

Healthy Moments Radio Broadcast

One-minute tips on living a healthy lifestyle featuring Dr. Griffin Rodgers, Director of NIDDK.

Latest Episodes

The nine most recent English episodes appear below. Spanish episodes are also available. Check back weekly for new episodes!

It can be overwhelming to take care of a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease.

Maintaining a healthy weight isn't just about what you eat, but also when you eat.

Are you considering a weight loss procedure? It's crucial to know your options and how they work.

Are you wondering how medicines can help manage overweight and obesity?

Curious about how the latest anti-obesity medicines compare to other ways of managing weight, like diet and exercise?

Last week, we started a conversation that can be embarrassing to talk about: bowel control. However, talking about the problem is the first step in treatment.

Do you have frequent abdominal pain along with diarrhea or constipation or both? If so, you may have irritable bowel syndrome and should see a doctor.

If someone you know is using drugs or alcohol more often, in larger amounts, or for longer than intended, it might be a sign that they have a substance use disorder.

If stress has increased your drinking, drug use, or use of medicines other than as prescribed, take steps to get the help you need!

Featured Video

A Healthy Moments playlist of videos, including Spanish, is available on NIDDK's YouTube channel.

In this Healthy Moments episode, NIDDK Director Dr. Griffin P. Rodgers talks about where your kidneys are located, what they do, and what happens if they struggle.

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Last Reviewed November 2023