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Survey Software for Universities and Colleges

Are you a University or College?
With QuestionPro academic research survey software, you can get access to the best QuestionPro Survey & Analytics license at a highly discounted price.
Join over 5000 universities & colleges and over 1 million+ students who use QuestionPro to power their research.
Conduct end-to-end Academic Survey Research. Easy to use with robust features to create, send and analyze surveys in minutes!

Create Surveys

Create surveys with advanced tools and intuitive survey user interface

World's largest database of ready-made 300+ survey templates
Easily create surveys using 80+ ready made question-types such as Van Westendorp scale, Likert Scale, Net Promoter Score and Semantic Differential Scale.
Professional survey themes with full customization.
Need help with a survey project? Our team is available for assistance24*7 via live chat, email and phone.

Collect Responses

Distribute surveys and collect responses in real-time using inline email surveys, mobile surveys and SMS surveys.
On-page website surveys and forms for real-time web survey feedback collection.
Offline survey data collection using the QuestionPro Mobile app. Also send surveys using QR codes.
All survey responses are automatically reported and analyzed in your customized survey dashboard.

Analyze Results

We make survey analysis easy with a full set of analytics tools and reporting features.

Get real-time summary, pivot tables and segmentation tools.
Conduct trend analysis, conjoint analysis, TURF analysis, GAP analysis, Text analytics and more on your survey data - all in real time and fully automated.
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You can also export your survey data directly to Excel, SPSS, or CSV. We make it easy to share results with formatted Word and PowerPoint reports or by generating professional info-graphics.


The most sought features by academics - at your fingertips!

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Advanced Survey Logic

Create intelligent and optimized surveys:
Branching and logic | Extraction | Piping text | Loop integration | Compound branching

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Distribution with Powerful list Management

Expand your reach:
Embed survey on website or blog | Social media integration | Email integration | Print

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Sample Services

For insights from focussed groups:
More than 5 million active members | Prescreened individuals

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Top priority:
SSL secured | TRUSTe | US/EU Safe Harbor certified | SSAE16/SOC-2 certified

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Advanced Data Analytics

Access to all new research analytics suite:
Conjoint Analysis | Max Diff | Price Sensitivity | Correlation Analysis | Real time charts and analytics |Trend Lines | Integration with SPSS, Google Suite

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Custom Solutions

Our solutions to your needs:
Custom scripting | Custom design | Data import | Integration services | Multilingual translations |Professional training

As for our dissertation student clients, we provide a unique end-to-end Academic Research Service

Everything from design to analysis.

Join 5000+ universities and colleges who use QuestionPro Academic Research Survey Software to power their research.
Start making decisions based on intelligent data and analytics, collected from real people!