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Country Overview

Conflict that exploded between Sudanese Armed Forces and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces on April 15, 2023, has created the world’s largest internal displacement crisis, with 5.1 million people displaced in Sudan between April and November 2023. Even before this crisis, a third of Sudan’s population—nearly 16 million people—needed humanitarian assistance, due to conflict, displacement, economic crisis, and widespread food insecurity. Now almost 25 million—nearly half the population—need humanitarian assistance. The conflict has destroyed much of the essential infrastructure in Khartoum, pushing health and financial systems to near collapse and further derailing Sudan’s transition to democratic rule. Where safe and possible to deliver assistance, USAID’s humanitarian, peace, and development programs are helping Sudanese people through the current crisis and supporting them in preparing for a future beyond this crisis.

USAID/Sudan Implementing Partner Guidance with Q&A

We would like to reassure you that USAID/Sudan remains steadfastly committed to the safety and security of all of our Implementing Partners operating in Sudan. Please see below General Information and Guidance for Implementing Partners with regard to the current situation in Sudan.

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