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The Volunteer Generation Fund (VGF) focuses on investments in volunteer management practices that increase both volunteer recruitment and retention. At a time of social need, when Americans of all ages are looking for ways to give back, we need to be ready to engage all those who answer the call to serve.

VGF strengthens nonprofit organizations to recruit and retain volunteers to meet critical community needs.

Examples of Volunteer Generation Fund programs

Create or expand web-based volunteerism platforms to connect community-based organizations with more volunteers
Provide capacity building mini-grants to community-based organizations interested in leveraging evidence-based volunteer management practices
Lead trainings focused on implementing volunteer management best practices

Eligibility Requirements

At this time, funding is open to State Service Commissions, nonprofits, schools, government agencies, and tribal, faith-based or community organizations.

Responsibilities and Expectations of Grantee

  • Design or replicate a successful intervention to address a community need
  • Track and report performance measures that capture program outputs and outcomes
  • Responsible for contributing match funding to support the project
  • See additional requirements in our funding opportunities and regulations

How to Apply*

*Funding opportunity is open to State Service Commissions, nonprofits, schools, government agencies, and tribal, faith-based or community organizations.

1. Identify a community need

Then, design AmeriCorps service activities to address that need.

2. Search funding opportunities

Assess your organization's fit for AmeriCorps funding, then follow instructions on opportunity listing.

Current funding opportunities

3. Submit an application online

Use eGrants or submit to a State Service Commission competition.

Login to eGrants

4. Await final determinations

AmeriCorps conducts a formal review process and will notify you if funds are awarded.