The Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) advises the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services on policy development in health, disability, human services, data, and science; and provide advice and analysis on economic policy. The ASPE leads special initiatives coordinates the Department's evaluation, research, and demonstration activities; and manages cross-Department planning activities as strategic planning, legislative planning, and review of regulations. Integral to this role, the ASPE conducts research and evaluation studies; develops policy analyses; and estimates the cost and benefits of policy alternatives under consideration by the Department or Congress.
ASPE is organized into five principal offices and several smaller ones. Each of the policy offices is headed by a Deputy Assistant Secretary.
- Office of Behavioral Health, Disability, and Aging Policy
- Office of Health Policy
- Office of Human Services Policy
- Office of Science and Data Policy
- Office of Planning and Policy Support
Interagency Coordination
The ASPE also participates in the following collaborations, committees, and advisory groups: