
We provide a range of free online and in-person trainings and events for people and teams across the federal government. Many of our events highlight innovations, case studies, tools, and resources. All of our events are recorded and archived on YouTube. Trainings are open to anyone working in the government or for a government agency.

Work With Us

Interested in hosting an online or in-person training or event?
We want to learn more about your ideas! Federal employees can start a conversation with us about hosting an event—either use our event submission form, or send us an email; instructions are below.

Submit by online form: The event submission form will give you an opportunity to tell us more about your event, including who would be presenting. You must be a federal employee to make a submission. Submit an event »

Submit by email: Contact us to describe your idea, the type of training or event you think best convey that idea, and who the intended audience be. As a federal employee, you must use your federal agency-issued email address (usally ends in .gov or .mil) for work-related messages. Email us your event idea.

Use of Materials

Unless a copyright is indicated, material presented by is free of copyright and may be copied and distributed without permission. Citation of as the source is appreciated (see our Site Policies for more information). However, some material used in DGU training is the property of private individuals, companies, or independent contractors and therefore may be protected by copyright.

If a copyright is indicated on a photo, graphic, or other material, you must get permission from the original source to use or to copy this material.

Learn more about Copyright and Other Rights Pertaining to U.S. Government Works.