Guidelines for event presenters

This checklist is for people preparing to present at a event. You may find these guidelines helpful when presenting at other meetings and events, too.

Preparing your presentation

  • Make your points relevant to federal employees, the primary audience for our events.
  • Follow Community Guidelines. Don’t express your political or religious views, or use inappropriate language.
  • Use plain language in both your slides and speech.
  • Follow the “less is more” principle. Use fewer slides, fewer images, and less text.
  • Expect some re-work after submitting slides. Be available to make edits.

Presentation slide requirements

  • Submit slides 5 days before the event to Copy the event hosts.
  • Submit slides in PowerPoint file format (.pptx).
  • Keep the file size under 25 MB.
  • To optimize images, select an image, then click File from the main menu. From the list of options, click on Compress Pictures. In the pop-up dialog box, select On-screen (150 ppi) in the drop-down list for Picture Quality, and make sure All pictures in this file. is selected for Apply to.
  • Run the accessibility checker in PowerPoint before submitting slides to remediate all errors and warnings, including “reading order.” Reach out to your agency’s 508 Program Manager if you need any help.
  • Meet accessibility requirements, including:
    • Use large text.
    • Use typefaces (fonts) that are easy to read like Source Sans Pro or Merriweather.
    • Limit the amount of text to include only your main points. Avoid extra text that you don’t plan to speak to.
    • Use text that has a readable color contrast against background colors.
    • Avoid complicated visuals such as patterned backgrounds, and overlapping photos or graphics.
    • Don’t include visuals that you won’t be speaking about.
    • Include slide numbers on every slide.
    • Include alt text for every image.

    Watch these presentations training videos for more information on accessible presentations.

  • Link to government websites by default.
  • Follow the GSA Linking Policy if you link to any non-government sites; all non-government links will require additional review and approval.
  • Recommend and link to books, papers, or studies published by the federal government only. Do not recommend or link to content published by other organizations.
  • Do not include video clips in the presentation embedding or linking videos will require additional accessibility features.
  • End of
    Click to Translate text after this point
  • Do not include any potentially sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII), including the presenter’s geographic location, age, birthday, etc.
  • Do not use copyrighted images, pictures, graphics unless your agency owns the image rights.
  • Do not name (endorse) commercial products, services, or non-federal organizations.
  • Do not use non-government logos such as Google, Twitter, Microsoft, etc.
  • Use your .gov or .mil emails if you provide contact information for presenters. Do not list non-government company names or contact information.
  • Share official agency accounts if you provide any social media accounts. Do not use non-government accounts such as your personal LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

Day of presentation

  • Dress professionally (business casual).
  • Speak slowly and clearly.
  • Keep your camera on. This allows people to see you, including those who lip read.
  • Only share the approved presentation slides; do not show other content during your presentation.
  • Announce the slide number instead of saying "Next slide."
  • To meet Section 508 requirements for accessibility, provide “audio descriptions” as follows:
    • Use large text.
    • Say your name each time you begin to speak, or announce the new speaker when there is a speaker change.
    • Describe all images on the slides.
    • Speak to the text on the slides including any links referenced on the slides.
    • Describe the information that is important for understanding the content.
    • Try not to read your slides word-for-word.

Read these tips on how to create accessible multimedia content and make audio descriptions for more information.

Additional guidelines for presenters who aren’t federal employees

  • We’ll send you Model Release and Gratuitous Service forms. Complete and return them to us as soon as you receive them.
  • Do not advertise or appear to advertise your organization or its products or services.
  • When referring to your role, state that you’re a contractor with XYZ federal agency. Do not identify your company by name.
  • Share official agency accounts if you provide any social media accounts. Do not use non-government social media accounts.
  • Use your .gov or .mil email if you provide your contact information. Do not list your private company contact information.