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Riñón único

Kidney Disease insuficiencia renal tasa de filtración glomerular Patients displasia renal Albuminuria trasplante de riñón Riñón único agenesia renal nefrectomía donación de riñón TFG lesión renal daño renal prevención de lesiones

Monitoreo y control de la función del riñón único con análisis de sangre y de orina, imagenología, control de la presión arterial, dieta y prevención de lesiones.

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Liver Cancer Treatment

cancer treatment liver

Liver cancer treatment options include surveillance, surgery, liver transplant, ablation, embolization, targeted therapy, and radiation. Get comprehensive information about liver cancer and treatment options in this clinician summary.

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What Policies Apply to My Research?

research policies Apply

NIH has a variety of sharing policies in place for research that it funds. This tool will assist in helping you determine which of the following NIH policies apply to a particular project.

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Sharing Scientific Data

data sharing
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Sharing scientific data accelerates biomedical research discovery, enhances research rigor and reproducibility, provides accessibility to high-value datasets, and promotes data reuse for future research studies. Under the NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy, investigators are empowered to choose the most appropriate methods for sharing scientific data. Learn more about methods for data sharing and selecting data repositories.

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Data Management

data management

Proper data management is crucial for maintaining scientific rigor and research integrity. Learn about best practices for scientific data management.

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Budgeting for Data Management & Sharing

data management sharing budgeting

Find out what data sharing related costs may be requested in an application for funding.

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Writing a Data Management & Sharing Plan

data plan management sharing writing

Learn what NIH expects Data Management & Sharing plans to address.

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Planning and Budgeting for Data Management & Sharing

planning data management sharing budgeting

NIH expects applicants to submit a plan for how they will manage and share their data and allows applicants to include certain costs associated with data management and sharing in their budget.

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Data Management and Sharing Policy

policy data management sharing

NIH has a longstanding commitment to making the results of NIH-funded funded research available. Responsible data management and sharing has many benefits, including accelerating the pace of biomedical research, enabling validation of research results, and providing accessibility to high-value datasets.

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