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Font without nicks
Font is nicks (seen by the worm)

Scuffs, also sucks chi serifi (English serif) in antiques fonts - short, call perpendiculars the hint of the symbol, hence the obvious reason for the hint of the basic hint of the symbol. The main features of the form are font. It is imaginative to send scuffs to send the scuffs of the oches in the rows when the great masivics are read in the text that is structured. We are happy about the day of the day by dyne Linnya, which is easier to take in the imagination of the text. The mother's nicks are great in the forming font pattern of decorative yeasts.

Classical nicks[ [Rev. | | Rev. code]

  • behind the mold (tricutn, straight cut/slab, hair, rounded, cleat)
  • behind the direction (horizontally, vertically)
  • for rhythmic rosettes (one-sided double-sided)
  • for folding (simple decorative)[1][2]

The nicks can be rounded in the form of a basic touch (English adnate serif) and mouse it with unrounded coot (English abrupt serif). The font without the nicks of the nav is "sans serif» chi »sans-serif» (income Fr. sans - "without). For odd typography jelly, the serration-free font is named grotescovim (rouble)chi gothic, and serrations Romantic.

The fonts of nicks are widely worried in books, newspapers of those frustrating candy, and worried in a classic typeface.[3]

Dev. same[ [Rev. | | Rev. code]

Primates[ [Rev. | | Rev. code]

  1. Publishing Dictionary // Publishing Dictionary Manual: [electronic. ed.] / A. E. Milchin. - 3rd edition, rev. and additional. - M.: OLMA-Press, 2006. (growth)
  2. GOST 3489.1-71 (growth)
  3. Why serifs? - Font directory. [ [Archival 11th Spring 2019 at Wayback Machine.] (growth)