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Harm Reduction Issues

Explore our resource library for practical resources to promote the health and dignity of people affected by drug use. For each issue area, you’ll find up-to-date fact sheets, webinars, manuals, training guides, and more.

Getting Started with Harm Reduction

New to harm reduction programs and strategies? Here are some of our best resources to give you a lay of the land.

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Resources We Love Created by People We Respect

The work of harm reduction is ever expanding. We can’t possibly speak to all of it.

Thankfully, there are many passionate teams creating great resources to serve the needs of marginalized groups who are at the intersection of this work.

Want to Train Your Team on Harm Reduction?

Our experienced trainers have helped hundreds of organizations learn and implement harm reduction practices. Connect with us for training no matter where you are.

Harm Reduction Needs You. Join the Movement.

Become a Harm Reduction Champion

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