Workforce Planning


Workforce Planning is the process of analyzing, forecasting, and planning workforce supply and demand, assessing gaps, and determining target talent management interventions to ensure that an organization has the right people - with the right skills in the right places at the right time - to fulfill its mandate and strategic objectives.

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Explore the 6 Stages of Workforce Planning

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What are the phases of Workforce Planning? Strategic Direction 1 Strategic Direction Supply Analysis 2 Supply Analysis Demand Analysis 3 Demand Analysis Gap Analysis 4 Gap Analysis Solution Implementation 5 Solution Implementation Monitoring Progress 6 Monitoring Progress What are the phases of Workforce Planning?
What are the Phases of Workforce Planning?

1. Strategic Direction

Understand key mission goals and future objectives set by organization leadership and how the workforce needs to be aligned to achieve them.
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Understand the current workforce and how it is projected to change over time, due to attrition and other trends.
Understand the organization's current and future workforce requirements.
Understand the gaps between workforce demand and supply and to define top priority gaps with the greatest impact on organizational performance.
The appropriate workforce interventions and activities to close identified workforce gaps and enable your organization to meet its strategic goals.
Monitor the performance of solutions and their impact on the gaps they were designed to address, and to continuously improve the solutions to maximize their effectiveness.