Executive Corner

A resource for keeping the NIH executive community informed about training opportunities, executive performance management and other matters of interest.

Brought to you by the Division of Senior and Scientific Executive Management (DSSEM).

Important Dates

FY 2024 Executive Closeout

04 Sep Senior Level T-42 IC Directors
18 Sep Senior Level T-42, Senior Executive Service (SES) and Senior Level (SL) Executives

For details on guidance and deadlines, please visit the Closeout section.

Please contact the Executive Performance Management Team with questions.

NIH Virtual Tour

This dynamic, interactive tour showcases the depth and breadth of NIH’s important work turning discovery into health and illustrates the wide range of the NIH mission. To learn more about who we are, what we do, and our impact on health visit the NIH Virtual Tour here!

News and Announcements

Provisional Certification for Senior-Level (SL) and Scientific or Professional (ST) Performance Appraisal System

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With OMB concurrence, OPM approved HHS for a provisional certification for the Senior-Level (SL) and Scientific or Professional (ST) performance appraisal system, effective July 2, 2023, to July 2, 2024. This certification authorizes pay for SL/ST up to Executive Level II, $212,000, and the higher aggregate limitation on pay, $272,100 for CY2023.

To avoid a certification authority gap and continue applying the higher maximum rate of pay and higher aggregate, the department will request full certification in April 2024, which requires full compliance with the SL/ST basic performance management system for the FY 2023 performance cycle.

FY 2023 Presidential Rank Award Winners Have Been Announced!

The Presidential Rank Award (PRA) is one of the most prestigious awards in the federal career civil service, and these awards are critical to recognizing the hard work and essential contributions of dedicated civil servants in the American federal workforce. The President selected 232 winners across 31 different agencies for the 2023 awards program for their exceptional leadership, accomplishments, and service over an extended period. These individuals are all members of the Senior Executive Service (SES), Senior-Level (SL), and Scientific and Professional (ST) corps. NIH had an amazing four winners this year! Join us in congratulating NIH’s winners (listed below)! A complete list of 2023 winners may be viewed on the OPM site.

FY 2023 NIH Presidential Rank Award Winners:

  • Ms. Camille Hoover, M.S.W.
  • Mr. Keith R. Lamirande, M.B.A.
  • Ms. Colleen McGowan, MHA, FACHE
  • Mr. Jerry Sheehan, M.S.


Development Opportunities and Other Information

Senior Executive Orientation Briefing: Being Future Ready – Leading America’s WorkforceThis orientation is designed for new members of the SES, SL/ST, and other SES equivalents in their first two years of appointment. Seasoned executives who have not previously attended are welcome to attend. The program features keynote speakers who are policymakers, current and former SES, and subject matter experts. In addition to plenary discussion, speakers may engage participants in interactive exercises and small group discussions. The program concludes with a federal judge administering the oath of office, affirming Constitutional heritage and responsibility. Certificates will be mailed to participants after the program. This orientation is in person at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office in Alexandria, VA, from 8:45 AM to 4:30 PM. HHS colleagues who attended in 2023 reported a well-designed program and a good use of their time. They appreciated the opportunity to meet other executives from across the government. Register for the August 2, 2024 orientation – tuition: $985.

Inclusive Leadership in Action: Addressing DEIA Systemically - Efforts to make government more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible (DEIA) have brought us far – especially by providing the knowledge and language to understand how to promote DEIA practices further. But there is still much work to do. Making meaningful progress on the vision of the Strategic Plan to “embed DEIA throughout the federal workforce” - begins with your own work. In this highly interactive course, you’ll explore what it means to lead inclusively from “the inside out.” You’ll start by analyzing your own biases, mindsets, beliefs, and behaviors to help you better lead inclusively. Using tools such as systems mapping, you’ll analyze the organizational systems and structures that need examining to create and sustain inclusive cultures. In this safe learning environment, you’ll also work through your own real-life challenges and practice skills needed to promote inclusive cultures, diverse teams, and systems and policies that are equitable and accessible to all. Register for the June 10-13, 2024 session or the September 9-12, 2024 session

Government Customer Experience & Engagement Summit

As constituents' expectations evolve alongside technological advancements, government agencies must adapt their services to better meet the needs of customers across the nation. Doing so requires focus on and investment in the customer experience (CX). And with the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) leaders are looking to its potential to improve CX. How is the rise of cutting-edge technologies like AI reshaping traditional approaches to government CX? What lessons are being learned along the way? How can leaders ensure that they are improving operations while placing equity at the heart of engagement strategies? Participants will have the opportunity to follow along two distinct tracks that cater to diverse interests and objectives: technology and culture. The technology track will engage you in conversation surrounding the digital transformation of CX, its challenges and opportunities, while also exploring the integration of new technologies. Meanwhile, the culture track invites discussions on leadership, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and the importance of cultivating a positive work environment. The event is on June 6, 2024 from 8 AM – 2 PM at the Westin Washington, DC.; for more information and to register for this FREE for Government event visit the event webpage.

Partnership for Public Service 2024 Trust Summit

Civil servants—a hallmark of American democracy—are responsible for issues vital to the health of our nation, from ensuring national security to administering health insurance programs to conserving public land. There are reasonable approaches for improving government’s ability to meet our country’s needs, manage its workforce and deliver services, but mounting calls to decimate the civil service and return to a time when jobs were won through party loyalty will not only make our government less effective but less fair, transparent, and accountable. A more political government is not a more effective government. The event will take place on June 11, 2024; please review the agenda and registration for this free in-person or virtual event.

Empowering SES Monthly Series

The Executive Resources Division received such positive feedback on our Empowering SES monthly series that we are expanding it with John Lybarger from Korn Ferry! See the sneak peek below and mark your calendar. Registration will be through the LMS once we get a little closer to the dates. Each 90-minute session will be offered in the morning and again in the afternoon so we can maximize participation no matter your duty location.

Date and Times Topic
July 11 at 10:00 AM and 1:30 PM Leading Transformational Change
August 8 at 10:00 AM and 1:30 PM Inclusive Leadership: Instilling Trust & Psychological Safety
September 12 at 10:00 AM and 1:30 PM Emotional Intelligence as a Leadership Skill
October 10 and 10:00 AM and 1:30 PM Driving Vision & Purpose

Developing Others

The Department of the Interior has their Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program posted until 6/20/2024.

Performance Management

USA Performance (USAP)
An automated performance management system for SES and Senior-Level Title 42 executives.

Executive Performance Management - Awards and Recognition
Information on the executive performance cycle and the various award programs.


The Senior Executive Service (SES) covers managerial, supervisory, and policy positions classified above GS-15. Compensation is through a performance-based pay system.

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has overall authority for the SES program. They provide oversight and assistance to HHS and NIH.

SES Information and Guidance

Candidate Development Program

The Candidate Development Program (CDP), is a tool used to identify and prepare aspiring senior executive leaders.

This program is not offered on a regular basis. When the application period is open, HHS and other sponsoring agencies will post opportunities on USAJobs. If interested, you may apply to the program.

Vacancies and Rotational Opportunities

For additional information and guidance, check out the NIH Senior Executive Service SharePoint Site

Training Opportunities

Executive Careers

Recent NIH Executive Vacancies