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Culture Change

Culture Change

Culture change can come in many forms, but the concept is anchored in the effort to create the most home-like setting possible for residents. This can range from facilities designed to look like residential houses (with private bedrooms and baths, a residential kitchen and similar physical plant changes), to traditionally designed facilities that provide resident-driven choices and options (e.g., choices of meal options for each meal, lack of institutional signage, or simply letting residents wake at the time they desire). Regardless whether culture change includes physical plant changes or designs, however, the goal is to make the resident feel as if he or she is residing in their own home, with the ability to make decisions for themselves to the greatest extent possible.

The Arkansas Innovative Performance Program (AIPP), under contract with the Office of Long Term Care, provides extensive training and education to facilities regarding culture change. AIPP’s Culture Change program is offered free-of-charge to facilities. Additionally, the Office of Long Term Care’s certifed Eden Educators provide Eden Alternative training classes for long term care stakeholders. For more information about obtaining Eden Alternative training, please contact the Office of Long Term Care Eden Educators listed below.

OLTC Eden Educators

Lisa Thomasemail501-320-6396