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On January 14, 2019, the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act ("Evidence Act"), including the OPEN Government Data Act, was signed into law. The Evidence Act requires the Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Government Information Services, and the General Services Administration to develop and maintain an online repository ( of tools, best practices, and schema standards to facilitate the adoption of open data practices across the Federal Government.

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Policy Document Examples

This section offers examples of policy documents (memos, guidance, manuals, etc) on open data and data management as inspiration for other agencies.

Memos and Policies

  • Department of Health and Human Services, “The Health Data Initiative Strategy and Execution Plan”. This document, released on October 23, 2013 on serves as the Department’s data milestones for 2014-2016.
  • Department of Health and Human Services, “Health Data Initiative Next Steps”. Memo from Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to agency heads, released on August 1, 2011.
  • Department of Housing and Urban Development, “Open Data Policy - Managing HUD’s Data as a Strategic Information Asset”. This memo, released on April 30, 2014, describes HUD’s efforts to manage and share data with the public.
  • Department of the Interior, “Memo Re: Implementation of DOI Open Data Policy””. This memo served as the official DOI announcement to all Department Bureaus and Offices of the near-term requirements of M-13-13, and also called for the creation of a Data Services Board to oversee data lifecycle management moving forward.
  • Department of State, Open Data Plan. This document describes how the Department of State will meet the requirements of m-13-13.
  • Department of Veterans Affairs, “Open Data - Quarterly Data Asset Collection Requirements”. Memo from the Acting Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning to Under Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries and Other Key Officials, released on February 26, 2014.
  • Environmental Protection Agency, “Open Data Policy Implementation Plan”. This report documents EPA’s implementation plan and current progress in meeting the requirements set forth in the White House “Open Data Policy –Managing Information as an Asset” Memorandum M-13-13.
  • General Services Administration, “Increasing Data Sharing, Transparency and Reuse at GSA”. This document, released on February 14, 2014, shared to all agency staff the role of OMB Memorandum M-13-13 within the agency.
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Data and Information Policy for NASA’s Earth Science Program. A set of data exchange and access principles adopted by NASA for its Earth Science program.
  • Department of Education, Data Standardization Policies and Procedures. End of
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    The purpose of this document, released in 2007, is to describe policies and procedures for data standardization and data exchange in Federal Student Aid.
  • Department of Energy, Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Data Sharing and Distribution Policy. This document sets expectations and establishes procedures for sharing data acquired in through the operations of Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility.
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory, GISLab Data Policy. GISLab has established a spatial data warehouse to provide for access to spatial data at LANL. The GISLab spatial data policy specifies provisions for both data providers and data users.
  • United States Agency for International Development, Open Data Policy. The document, released in October 2014, sets forth the agency’s plan for data management. Read their one page Fact Sheet and access their presentation delivered to White House OSTP on October 21, 2014.
  • Small Business Administration, Open Data Program. Outlines the programs and policies for the SBA Open Data Program, effective October 2014.
  • Environmental Protection Agency, Enterprise Information Management Policy (EIMP) Cataloging Information Procedure. Requires cataloguing data “produced by, funded by, or received per regulated reporting and/or federal-wide requirements and subsequently held or cataloged in information management systems by the Environmental Protection Agency” in accordance with EPA’s Enterprise Information Management Policy (EIMP) and Executive Order 13642 “Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information,” and OMB Memorandum M-13-13 “Open Data Policy-Managing Information as an Asset.” Effective immediately on March 3, 2015.
