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Specialized Information for:

Long-Term Care ConsumersFamily MembersAdvocates

Consumer Voice Leadership Council

Katherine Bradley, Secretary
Our Mother's Voice
Lugoff, SC

Jane Brink
Minnesota Office of the LTC Ombudsman
Brainerd, MN

Diane Carter
Denver, CO

Anna Helm
Volunteer LTC Ombudsman
Portland, OR

Sumitra Joy
HOPE (Health Over Profit for Everyone)
Palo Alto, CA

Steven Levin
Levin & Perconti
Chicago, IL

Mitzi McFatrich, Vice Chair
Kansas Advocates for Better Care
Lawrence, KS

Richard Moore
Dignity Alliance Massachusetts
Uxbridge, MA

Pamela Nadash
University of Massachusetts Boston
Boston, MA

Sarina Nicola
Lake Placid, NY

Gwen Orlowski
Disability Rights New Jersey
Trenton, NJ

Sarah Slocum, Chairperson
Lansing, MI

Teresa Teeple
Tennessee State Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Nashville, TN

Jessica Trudell
Wisconsin State Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Madison, WI

Pamela Walz
Community Legal Services, Health & Independence Unit
Philadelphia, PA

Leadership Council Job Description