News & Publications

The American Foundation for the Blind is dedicated to promoting awareness of the latest research, resources, and news in the blindness field.

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Objective information you can trust, smart and informed commentary, and cutting-edge news and trends concerning information technology and visual impairment are published monthly in AccessWorld®: Technology and People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired.

JVIB Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness

Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness

The Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness is the essential professional resource for information about visual impairment (that is, blindness or low vision).

Focus on AFB Newsletter

Keep up to date on AFB's latest activities with this free, quarterly newsletter. Recent issues are archived and available for your review and enjoyment.

AFB Blog

Find information and resources on accessibility, technology, education, public policy, employment, and other key issues for people who are blind and have low vision.

Barriers to Digital Inclusion research report.

AFB Research Studies

AFB conducts original studies to generate knowledge about the experiences of people who are blind or have low vision. Our research has highlighted systemic barriers and inequities in areas like digital information access, transportation, education, and employment.

Driving Digital Inclusion. Advocacy, Resources, Workforce Development, Research.

2023 Annual Report

AFB’s 2023 annual report highlights key focus areas, including advocacy and research, consulting services, workforce development, and other programs undertaken throughout the year.



AFB’s documentary film Possibilities captures the voices of the driving Helen Keller’s dream forward for future generations.


Visit AFB's YouTube channel to explore our video collection.


AFB's podcasts bring you the latest news and information on various topics blindness and low vision.

Press Room

Press Release Archive

AFB-issued news, announcements, and statements.

AFB in the News

Recent articles from the media featuring AFB, our experts, and issues related to blindness and vision loss.

AFB Newsletters

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