Animal Welfare Contacts

Last Modified: May 08, 2024

Animal Care

APHIS' Animal Care program enforces the Animal Welfare Act and the Horse Protection Act. Contact us if you have questions about Animal Welfare Act licensing and registration or inspections under either of these laws.

Animal Care Program

Mailing Address:

2150 Centre Ave.

Bldg. B, Mailstop 3W11

Fort Collins, CO 80526

File an Animal Welfare Complaint

To report a concern about an animal covered under the Animal Welfare Act or the Horse Protection Act, contact us or complete this form.

Complaints Team

Mailing Address

2150 Centre Ave.

Bldg. B, Mailstop 3W11

Fort Collins, CO 80526

Submit an Itinerary

Any current licensee that travels overnight can submit itineraries to our itineraries email address below. Using this specific email address allows Animal Care to streamline the itinerary process and provide better customer service.

Itineraries Team

Mailing Address

2150 Centre Ave.

Bldg. B, Mailstop 3W11

Fort Collins, CO 80526

Import Permits (Dogs for Resale and Adoption)

APHIS' Animal Care program works with partners at U.S. ports of entry to make sure dogs imported into the United States for commercial sale or adoption meet the Animal Welfare Act's health, age, and vaccination requirements. Contact our team if you have questions about import permit requirements for these dogs or need help applying for a permit.

Live Dog Import Permit Team

Mailing Address:

2150 Centre Ave.

Bldg. B, Mailstop 3W11

Fort Collins, CO 80526

Research Facility Annual Report Hotline

Research facilities registered under the Animal Welfare Act may call our hotline with questions about the annual report requirement or for help submitting a report online.

Research Facility Annual Report Hotline

Phone: 970-494-7477