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View synonyms for closed book

closed book


  1. something that is not known or cannot be understood a mystery or puzzle:

    Abstract art is a closed book as far as I'm concerned.

closed book


  1. something deemed unknown or incapable of being understood
  2. a matter that has been finally concluded and admits of no further consideration

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Word History and Origins

Origin of closed book1

First recorded in 1910–15

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Example Sentences

The girl sat with closed book, looking at his face as he slept.

I love novels, but there is no wonderful novel, I so much should like to read as the closed book, is your soul.

He does not read, and so knows nothing of the inspiration of literature, and the past is to him a closed book.

While Valentine and his two comrades might interrogate the desert, it remained dumb and indecipherable as a closed book.

Her face turned deadly pale, and she clenched the closed book in her pallid hands.





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