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speech therapy

[ [ speech ther-uh-pee ]


  1. the diagnosis and treatment of speech and communication problems, as stuttering and other fluency and articulation disorders, or aphasia and other expressive or receptive language disorders.

speech therapy


  1. treatment to improve the speech of children who have difficulty in learning to speak, for example because of partial deafness or brain damage, or to help restore the power of speech to adults who have lost it or partly lost it through accident or illness

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Derived Forms

  • speech therapist, noun

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Other Words From

  • speech ther·a·pist noun

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Word History and Origins

Origin of speech therapy1

First recorded in 1930–35

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Example Sentences

They didn't mind it, except for the fact that my speech therapy cut into play time.

Other than speech therapy, my life post-CI didn't change much.

She studied speech therapy at Institut Libre Marie Haps and then held her own practice from 1995 until her marriage in 1999.

“I have been doing speech therapy, and it has been making me more aware of the stutter, what actually made it worse,” he says.





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