Innovating through the Lens of Disability Lecture

Innovating through the Lens of Disability Lecture

David Rice
a woman with short, dark brown hair wearing a blue shirt with trees and a walkway in the background
  • Event Date:
    Wednesday, October 19, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
  • Event Location:
  • Event Speaker(s):
    • Mary Bellard

Synopsis: Come learn about projects where people with disabilities elevate innovation, ignite the growing Microsoft AI for Accessibility community, and demonstrate the true value of inclusive technology.

Bio: Mary Bellard is the Principal Innovation Architect Lead at Microsoft. There, she leads the accessibility innovation program to bring more inclusive and revolutionary ideas to market, and manages the Microsoft AI for Accessibility program. Mary was part of the team that created Seeing AI, is a board member for the University of Washington's Center for Research and Education on Accessible Technology and Experiences (CREATE), and runs the Ability Hack initiative in Microsoft's annual global hackathon. Previously, she strategized the overall accessibility training curriculum for employees and external partners to drive progress in usable experiences for everyone. Mary played a key role in developing the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk when she joined the company in 2014 and has worked as an advocate for the disability community for more than 16 years."

For reasonable accommodations during this event, please contact, David Rice at 301.443.6650.

For information about assistive technology, go to Microsoft's Disability Answer Desk page at: