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Report Suspected Criminal Activity

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If you wish to report suspected criminal activity relating to FDA regulated products, please describe in detail the suspected criminal activity in the comment box below and click the submit button.

Notice: Your submission is voluntary and will be anonymous unless you choose to identify yourself. However, be advised that your decision to remain anonymous may limit or prevent our ability to conduct a follow-up investigation regarding your information. If you provide a contact e-mail address it may be used to initiate follow-up communications with you concerning your information and may be shared by OCI when appropriate with other law enforcement and judicial entities engaged in investigating or assessing the information. There is no penalty for failing to report a possible violation; however, if you knowingly report false information to FDA's Office of Criminal Investigations, you may be subject to criminal or civil penalties. Please review the FDA Web Privacy Policy for more information.

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Contact OCI

Office of Criminal Investigations
Food and Drug Administration
7500 Standish Place
Rockville, MD 20855

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