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Office of Planning, Analysis and Evaluation

The Office of Planning, Analysis and Evaluation (OPAE) optimizes HRSA program impact through agency-wide leadership and collaboration with bureaus and offices in the areas of policy, research, planning, and engagement.

OPAE works proactively and collaboratively across all of HRSA, with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and with other federal and external stakeholders to foster communication, promote innovation, coordinate efforts, and build partnerships. OPAE also coordinates HRSA's Information Quality Guidelines.


Located within the Office of the Administrator, OPAE is comprised of six components:

  • Office of the Director (OD)
  • Division of Performance and Quality Management
  • Division of Oversight, Reporting and Regulatory Compliance
  • Division of Data Governance and Strategic Analysis
  • Division of Strategic Initiatives

Core functions

In addition to providing leadership, analysis, and rapid response for the HRSA Administrator and senior leadership, OPAE help HRSA’s bureaus and offices improve program performance and effectiveness through the following core functions:

Coordinating cross-cutting initiatives

  • Provides HRSA-wide leadership on the implementation of cross-agency initiatives, Departmental priorities, and emerging issues. OPAE identifies priority areas and implements a cross-agency strategy to maximize HRSA's response, and ultimately move the needle on emerging public health issues impacting the safety net

External engagement

  • Facilitates the agency's external engagement with intergovernmental agencies, major stakeholders, and associations. This includes managing Government Accountability Office (GAO) and HHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) engagements, and monitoring the implementation of recommendations.

Policy Analysis

  • Conducts cross-cutting policy analysis, with expertise in health care financing and regulation. End of
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    This includes analysis of legislation, budget proposals, regulatory actions, and policies to assess impact on safety net populations, providers, and health care systems. In addition, OPAE collaborates with bureaus and offices on health care financing and delivery system reform to identify opportunities for health care providers in safety net communities.

Research and evaluation

  • Leads and supports evaluation and research studies of HRSA programs to inform agency decision making. OPAE provides consultation, technical assistance, and review services to HRSA bureaus and offices regarding their evaluation and research protocols, tools, activities, and Human Subject Protection requirements. The Office also collaborates with HRSA programs to build agency data infrastructure.

Performance and quality measurement

  • Facilitates the use of performance and quality measurement for monitoring, analysis, and reporting of performance results to meet HHS, Office of Management and Budget, and Government Performance and Results Modernization Act requirements. In addition, OPAE coordinates the strategic planning process, performance assessments for HRSA programs, and supports the implementation of the National Quality Strategy.
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