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Affirmative Employment & Special Emphasis Programs

Special Emphasis Programs

The Department of Justice strives to ensure that our workforce is drawn from the broadest segments of society so that it is poised to meet the present and future needs of our Nation. The Department supports and encourages recruiting and retaining the best and the brightest citizens from every background and community in this country.

The Department has established Special Emphasis Programs that help to develop a diverse and talented workforce, that can include support for racial/ethnic minorities; women, persons and veterans with disabilities, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender applicants and employees in various categories and occupations and in all organizational components throughout the Department. EEO Special Emphasis Programs include:

  • Federal Women's Program
  • Disability Employment Program
  • Black Affairs Program
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  • Hispanic Employment Program
  • Asian/Pacific American Program
  • American Indian/Alaska Native Program
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Program

Special Emphasis Program Objectives

Analyze agency workforce data, identify potential employment barriers in the areas of recruitment, hiring, promotion, career development, reasonable accommodation and retention affecting the full representation of protected groups (i.e. minorities, women and persons with disabilities), and develop viable solutions to help eliminate identified barriers to employment.

Compile, develop, and disseminate information for managers, supervisors, and employees to increase knowledge and sensitivity in all facts or issues of accessibility and reasonable accommodation of persons and veterans with disabilities.

Develop and conduct EEO and diversity-related programs to provide awareness, sensitivity and understanding of the special issues affecting employment of diverse groups.

Special Observance Programs

The Department of Justice Equal Employment Opportunity Community promotes Government-wide and Department-wide Special Observance Programs to help raise awareness about the rich diversity of our Nation’s population. Through various Special Observance events, the Department acknowledges the invaluable contributions of all Americans to the United States and the Justice Department, and helps to foster diversity and inclusion in all aspects of agency operations.

Date Observance
January Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Annual Holiday
February National African American (Black) History Month
March National Women’s History Month
April 21-27 Administrative Professionals Week
April/May Holocaust Days of Remembrance
May Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
June Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Month
September 15 - October 15 National Hispanic Heritage Month
October National Disability Employment Awareness Month
November American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month
November 11 Veterans Day

Updated January 18, 2024