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Compare nursing home quality

Compare the nursing homes you're considering by these criteria:

What are some other ways I can find out about nursing home quality?

Call your Long-Term Care Ombudsman . They work to:

  • Resolve problems of individual residents
  • Make changes at local, state, and national levels that will improve residents’ care and quality of life

To resolve problems and make changes, Long-Term Care Ombudsman:

  • Visit nursing homes and speak with residents throughout the year to make sure residents' rights are protected
  • Work to solve problems with your nursing home care, including financial issues
  • Discuss general information about nursing homes and nursing home care
  • Help you compare a nursing home's strengths and weaknesses
  • Answer questions about specific nursing homes, like these:
    • How many complaints they've gotten
    • What kind of complaints they've gotten
    • If the issues were resolved in a timely manner

Visit the nursing homes you're considering, if possible, or have someone visit for you.

Call your state health department or state licensing agency. Ask if they have written information on the quality of care given in local nursing homes. You can ask for a copy of the full survey or the last complaint investigation report.

Look at survey findings (CMS Form 2567) for the facility. They can be found at each nursing home, typically in the lobby area. Or, you can also look at survey findings when you compare nursing homes.