State Licensing Board Compliance Results

Status by State


Compliance reviews include professions that hospitals and other health care organizations identify most often in queries (physicians, dentists, nurses, physician assistants, and social workers). Additional professions selected at random, are also included in the compliance review. All regulated health care professions are subject to review at the discretion of HRSA. State licensing boards participate in a compliance review and complete attestation every 2 years. Attestation requires state licensing and certification boards to review and verify that they are meeting all NPDB reporting requirements.

All state licensing boards in the U.S. and its territories renew their registration every 2 years and attest to their compliance with NPDB reporting requirements. Federal law requires state licensing boards to report certain adverse actions within 30 days of the date the action was taken.

Compliance Status

We use information from the state licensing and certification agency to help determine compliance. Compliance status determinations only apply to state licensing boards that participated in a compliance review and only include professions selected for the review.

Attestation status determinations are based on the state licensing board's Attestation response.

Compliance Review


The state licensing board:

  1. Submitted all reportable actions for the specified time frame; or
  2. Provided an appropriate justification for any identified missing action; or
  3. Certified that there were no reportable actions for the specified time frame and will continue to report required actions within 30 days of the action date.

Not Fully Compliant

The state licensing board has submitted at least 95%, but not all, of the reportable actions for the specified time frame.


The state licensing board:

  1. Has not responded to HRSA's written request to reconcile or report actions identified as missing; or
  2. Has not responded to HRSA's request for data; or
  3. Refused to provide appropriate justification or submit reportable actions.

Previously Non-compliant

The state licensing board was Non-compliant in a previous review, but has since become Compliant for that specified time frame.

No Current Review

The state licensing board:

  1. Has not completed a Compliance Review for the selected profession(s); or
  2. May not license the selected profession(s).



The state licensing board certified that it submitted all required actions for the profession during the specified time frame, and will continue to report required actions within 30 days of the action date.

Could Not Attest

The state licensing board cannot certify that it submitted all required actions for the profession during the specified time frame.

Failed to Attest

The state licensing board did not complete its attestation by the due date. The attestation is due no later than 30 days after the board's registration renewal is due.

Note: Not all states license or certify the same professions. It is difficult to make a direct comparison between states. An * is used for professions that are manually added during attestation by the state licensing board and may not exist in HRSA's standard list of professions.

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