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Game bank regulator now planned in Japan

Japan’s government is working at its best: A supervisory authority for casinos is now also expected to operate there. Only last Friday it was announced that a regulatory authority would be formed in 2020.

It is obvious that some preparation measures must be taken. In Japan, too, the regulator is supposed to be subject to strict criteria, so casinos are subject to many restrictions. Other countries such as Malta are already doing this because the casinos licensed there must also meet many strict guidelines in order to obtain the license.

news japan

Control and gambling prevention

Casino licenses typically have two key responsibilities. The planned supervisory authority in Japan should also follow this example: On the one hand, it is important to keep an eye on all activities of the casino operators. In addition, play safety factors and player protection. Casinos must be safe for visitors, which also calls for the topic of gambling prevention. Accordingly, minor players, for example, must be protected.

Currently, Japan is also only about real casino resorts, but not Online casinos. For this purpose, it is being checked whether enough large spaces are available. It is also important for future casino operators that casinos are located in major cities so that they are easily accessible to tourists as well.

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Japanese population more likely to oppose casinos

Japanese citizens face the opening of casino resorts with mixed feelings. Much of the casinos even reject it altogether. However, the citizens who are not against the resorts per se wish there was nothing in their own city.

It is also interesting that not only the population is critical. Financial experts are also unsure whether the future casino operators and the government will go a little further than the target. Casinos cost a lot of money, especially with the planned size, billions of dollars can be assumed. Of course, the hope is that the investment will pay off. The Gambling is booming all over the world, and people with big budgets are sure to find their way to Japan.

Japan as an example of the boom in the gambling market

Japan is another country trying to jump on the gambling move. Undoubtedly, land-based casinos with a special flair are equally popular as the online casinos, which are accessible from anywhere. With the planned casino resorts, the land-based casino will once again show: End of
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Hier können sich Spieler wohlfühlen und im schönsten Ambiente ihr Geld auf den Tisch legen.

Sofern der Spielerschutz und strenge Richtlinien eingehalten werden, spricht gegen dieses Vorhaben erst einmal nichts. Es bleibt abzuwarten, wie die Realisierung im Jahr 2020 letztlich wirklich aussehen wird. Auch auf die Meinung der Bürger darf man gespannt sein, hat sich diese doch durchaus kritisch zu den Casino Resorts in Japan geäußert.


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