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Gauselmann starts a great environmental action: 85,000 new trees

Founder Paul Gauselmann is known for his tremendous success in the gambling industry. He is also happy to be the Slot machines-King, because the Gauselmann Group is firmly established in the German scene. The entrepreneur is actually known more than for his innovations in the gambling market, but now he talks about himself with a different action: The gambling giant celebrates his 85th birthday and is very environmentally friendly. Thus, 85,000 trees are to be planted in the Federal Republic of Germany, according to its birthday number.


The campaign began with the public out of the public

With no big announcements, the trees began planting, already in March. In the process, 1,000 trees per year of the entrepreneur’s life are to be planted. Due to the current situation, things are now slower to no further progress, but the first trees were already planted at the beginning of the year. The first trees found their new home in Minden-Lübbecke. The Gauselmann Empire began there.

It is planned to plant more trees after Easter. Sometimes the regions to be reforested are damaged by bugs and storms. So the reforestation campaign is very secluded and welcomed by residents and ferryers.

4.3Array / 5
€1200 + 100 FS
2.3Array / 5
€100 + 50 FS

Not the sole charitable action of the entrepreneur

The gambling giant is always full with it and knows no limits – and not only in the area of Online gambling. The entrepreneur appreciates managing and supporting many projects simultaneously.

As he ages, he becomes a little quieter, but standstill is far from planned. The entrepreneur has always supported charitable activities. He acts as a sports sponsor or supports the construction of a new school kitchen. Even the tree action now fits perfectly into the concept, the entrepreneur shows that he also cares about the environment.

How are the employees of the Gauselmann Group doing?

Gauselmann emphasizes that he has lived a good life and always wants to give something back to people. His charitable activities give him a lot of praise, but what about his own company? The Gauselmann Group is also not keeping the current crisis cold. Many stores in Europe are currently closed. Many employees suffer and must prefer short-time work.

The group has to rely on reserves – but this should not harm the charitable activities. You still want to donate and support various actions. For example, the entrepreneur says that planting the trees alone can make a lot of difference: End of
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Rund 17.000 Menschen könne man so den lebenslangen Zugang zu Trinkwasser sichern.

Der Unternehmer zeigt sich zudem zuversichtlich, was die Zukunft angehe. Die Krise ist hart und trifft viele Menschen, doch Gauselmann hat sich auf die Fahne geschrieben, zu unterstützen, wo es nur geht. Die Einstellung ist lobenswert und zeigt, dass Wohltätigkeit auch in der Glücksspielbranche ihren Platz hat. Gauselmann geht mit hervorragendem Beispiel voran und zeigt, wie die Großverdiener Land und Leute unterstützen können und sollten.


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