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Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQ for Online casinos provides answers to a variety of frequently asked questions about casino games in general and gambling in particular. While most of our responses are comprehensive, we may have included links to additional resources.

General FAQ questions

This FAQ is intended to serve as a resource for anyone looking for answers to various questions related to websites. If you are new to gambling or want to play online for the first time, it may be helpful to review some of the questions and answers.

Is gaming legal in Germany?

In 2013, Schleswig-Holstein joined the first change in gambling that enabled legal gambling. Currently, twelve casino providers have a valid license. In June 2019, the state government in Kiel extended licenses by law.

How can I play on gambling sites?

We’ll show you exactly how to play on gambling sites. Once you’ve selected a recommended website, you can play any game within minutes. Here are 5 simple steps;

  1. Find a Trusted Provider from Our List
  2. Register and create an account
  3. Discover your favorite games
  4. Make a Deposit
  5. Play and Win
Are gambling sites fair?

Yes, in most cases. The majority of Internet Casinos offer completely fair games generated by random number generators (RNGs). These RNGs are computer programs that make sure the game results are random. Therefore, players can expect results comparable to those of a live casino.

Is my money safe?

There are some websites you shouldn’t trust, but your money is safe in most cases. The best websites, like the ones we recommend, are usually operated by reputable and reliable companies.

What does RTP mean and why is it important?

RTP stands for Return To Player. The RTP percentage is a measure of the percentage of bets a game returns to players (generally over one million games), and is a generally accepted guide to game performance.

What are betting conditions?

Playing a bonus works as follows: You have received money as a bonus. You must first use this money several times. Only then can you use the bonus money or have it paid out. The English words for “play around” are “play around” and “bet.”

How much and how can I deposit and withdraw?

There are some reputable deposit casinos for €1 with secure payment options, free play and the ability to try slots and other games for small bets. There is no doubt, casinos with a minimum payment are here to stay!

You usually have several ways to check in and out. Credit cards and debit cards are accepted in most locations, and these are usually the most popular options. End of
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E-Wallets wie PayPal, Neteller und Skrill werden ebenfalls allgemein akzeptiert, obwohl dies davon abhängen kann, wo Sie wohnen.

Welches website soll ich nutzen?

Es gibt wirklich keine einzige antwort auf diese frage, da es kein einziges website gibt, das definitiv als das beste bezeichnet werden könnte. Es hängt wirklich von mehreren faktoren ab.

Alle persönlichen Vorlieben oder spezifischen Anforderungen, die Sie haben, müssen ebenfalls berücksichtigt werden. Das Wichtigste ist, dass Sie einen seriösen und vertrauenswürdigen ort zum Spielen verwenden.

Wie melde ich mich bei einer Glücksspielseite an?

Die meisten sites machen es wirklich einfach, mitglied zu werden. Es geht normalerweise nur darum, ihre website zu besuchen und dann einige persönliche daten wie Ihren namen und Ihre E-mail-adresse einzugeben. Normalerweise dauert es nur wenige momente, bis Sie eine einzahlung tätigen und mit dem Spielen beginnen können.

Muss ich etwas herunterladen?

Einige websites verlangen, dass Sie software herunterladen, um ihre spiele zu spielen, während andere „sofortspiele“ anbieten, die direkt über Ihren webbrowser gespielt werden können. Viele orte haben sowohl herunterladbare spiele als auch sofortspiele.