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Complaint Detail

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Baggage Type

TSA Notice of Inspection?

TSA Notice of Inspection?
* We will remove special characters like @, #, $, %, &, -, ", ', {, (, [ or > . Please do not use them in your submission.

Passenger Information

Civil Rights and Liberties Detail

In order for your complaint to be considered complete, you must file within 180 days of the alleged act of discrimination.
* Please do not use special characters like @, #, $, %, &, -, ", ', {, (, [ or > .

Contact Information


Information message

I will cooperate with TSA's complaint resolution activities undertaken on my behalf. I understand that my failure to cooperate with TSA may result in the closure of my complaint. I understand that the TSA may share the information I have provided as needed to resolve this complaint.

TSA PreCheck

If you have concerns about TSA PreCheck®, please use the TSA PreCheck form.