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W3C logoWeb Accessibility initiative

WAI: Strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

EU Flag Seventh Framework Programme logo

WAI-ACT Project (IST 287725)


Web Accessibility Initiative - Cooperation Framework for Guidance on Advanced Technologies, Evaluation Methodologies, and Research Agenda Setting to Support eAccessibility (WAI-ACT)
European Commission Project, 7th Framework Programme, IST 287725

Page Contents

Project Work

WAI-ACT project deliverables were carried out through WAI groups and processes:

EOWG - Education and Outreach Working Group
ERT WG - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group
Eval TF - WCAG 2.0 Evaluation Methodology Task Force
RDWG - Research and Development Working Group
WAI Staff Effort

How To Participate

WAI-ACT Project formally ended on 1 September 2014. The project work listed above contributed valuable W3C/WAI resources. To help maintain, evolve, and contribute to these and other resources, see Getting Involved with WAI and Participating in WAI. If you have any questions, contact Shadi Abou-Zahra (Scientific Coordinator).

WAI-ACT work was developed through W3C/WAI Working Groups. Project work is listed under the Working Group or Task Force above. The work was open for direct contribution by anyone. This includes reviewing drafts of these resources and actively participating in the relevant Working Groups to help develop these resources.


WAI-ACT was a support action project, co-funded by the European Commission as a Specific Support Action under the IST 7th Framework Programme. End of
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The project started on 1 September 2011 for a duration of three years. It was lead by and built upon the strengths of the existing World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) cooperation mechanisms, to facilitate strategic European and international participation throughout the project. WAI-ACT project partners were:

WAI-ACT work was developed in an open, non-exclusive collaborative environment to maximize participation and involvement from stakeholders. WAI-ACT also seeked active exchange with relevant networks in Europe such as eAccess+ different format, and coordination standardisation activities such as EC Mandate M/376 different format.

More specifically...

WAI-ACT, a Cooperation Framework for Guidance on Advanced Technologies, Evaluation Methodologies, and Research Agenda Setting to Support eAccessibility, addressed critical areas of advanced accessibility support through activities that built upon the strengths of past web accessibility work, harmonizes existing work, and helped shape a research agenda in coordination with key stakeholders in Europe and internationally.

The project addressed the need for expanded European and international cooperation on the development of accessibility solutions for people with disabilities; for consensus-based, authoritative technical guidance to accelerate implementation of advanced technologies; for internationally harmonised evaluation methodologies; and for a coordinated research agenda on eAccessibility.

WAI-ACT addressed these challenges through development of a framework for open, expanded cooperation among European and international stakeholders, technical guidance on advanced web technologies; an evaluation methodology for web accessibility; and a research agenda for eAccessibility. Technical guidance includes a repository of information on accessibility support in web technologies, application notes on authoring accessible web page components, and code samples for web applications. WAI-ACT contributed to:

See project deliverables and contact Shadi Abou-Zahra (Scientific Coordinator) for more information.

Project Staff

WAI-ACT project staff include the following people: