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Luke McGowan was the Senior Advisor for Economic Recovery in the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. Prior to joining the Biden-Harris Administration, McGowan served as the Director of the Community and Economic Development Office of Burlington, Vermont, where he he also ran the City’s Resource and Recovery Center in response to COVID-19. He served on the City’s Emergency Operations Center and worked with state and federal agencies to bring assistance to the community. End of
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Prior to his appointment in Burlington, he launched Dirt Road Consulting in Vermont and was a US-based venture partner for Mustard Seed, a social and environmental impact fund. His private sector experience began at Thumbtack, a San Francisco-based startup, where he was an early employee and later became Head of Public Policy. During the first term of the Obama-Biden Administration, he served then Vice President Biden in his Office of Correspondence, assisting in communication with mayors and governors during the implementation of the Recovery Act. He later joined the White House Office of Legislative Affairs. He has an MPA from the Harvard Kennedy School.

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